The results of the Second International Scientific-Practical Conference “The history of trade in Belarus”

The Second International Scientific-Practical Conference “The history of trade in Belarus” was held in Minsk, Belarus on November 21-22, 2015. The conference became an important event for the scientists who study trade, and an outcome of another stage in implementing the scientific project with the same title has been made. The History Of Trade Study Center of Menka company was the organizer of the conference.
The Organizing Committee received 57 applications for participation in the conference. After careful consideration of the reports’ abstracts, they selected those presentation which were the most interesting, important and relevant to the topic of the conference. Among the participants invited to the conference, there were 33 scientists from Belarus, United Kingdom, Israel, Russia and Ukraine who were able to attend the scientific forum. Five more scientists from Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia and Ukraine sent their presentations for remote participation. Historians, archaeologists, anthropologists and economists were among the participants…Read more
You may find the photos from the event on the official website of the Conference.