Concept of retail facilities

“The farther we enter the future,

The more we value the past,

And find the beauty in the old,

Although we belong to the new”.

V. Shefner

The current retail trade and retail property market forges ahead; it is marked by rapid growth, and along with this, it should be remembered that it is closely connected with our history. The today’s forms are generated in the same way as it was in the times of our forefathers who were guided only by their notions and wishes, their ideas and ideals and their intense longing in order to acquire their best objects for creation of which they had no models.

The modern concept of retail facilities is the same checked idea or intention that has to provide, first of all, the uniqueness and peculiarity of facilities, to keep the balance of interests of owner, tenant, visitor and also investor and to be the long-term perspective oriented.
And that is what predetermines the commercial success of any efficiently operating retail facilities and, above all, both now and always.

By combining our efforts, expertise, knowledge of innovative approaches in this field, understanding of both of principles of building of trading business and the Belarusian market specifics and also our trust in the project, Menka professionals propose to jointly create and put into life the concepts that are best suited for the Belarusian market.

Menka is ready to offer:

  • Development, evaluation and optimization of the project business concept and its investment plan  (including the issues of determination of the architectural and conceptual parameters of retail facilities, decision of investment feasibility, determination of investment options, elaboration of business plan and selection of taxation options).
  • Development, evaluation and optimization of the merchandising technology concept of retail facilities (including the analysis of market and its assessment; plot planning concepts with parking, traffic management logistics and accessibility of facilities for pedestrians; goods delivery areas; development of building floor-plan; space trading zoning with division into zones and sections, as well as, other functional areas; calculation of the project revenue side at the cost of development of the trading space leasing plan).
  • Development, evaluation and optimization of the store merchandising technology concept (including the market analysis and the land plot resources assessment, the architectural and design decisions, the issues of parking, traffic management and accessibility of retail facilities for purchasers, the arrangement of purchasers’ incoming groups and flows, the planning concepts and functional zoning, including the loading zones, the decisions of the store inbound logistics and commercial equipment, including the equipment arrangement and recommendations, the assortment of goods and goods laying-out, the issues of security of retail facilities, the sales staff).